Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's been a while....

So it's been a while since my last post but we have been really busy lately.  I have been working every wednesday night to earn some extra money which makes it hard to keep up with house work, Liam, and all the other busy work I need to do.  Jake celebrated his 26th birthday since my last post and I will post some photos of the homemade coconut cream pie I made.  Jake is still training for his big race in Nashville.  It is going to be October 16th and he is really excited.  I have decided to throw Liam a small party here in Memphis to celebrate with our friends down here.  I really wish we could have one big party with everyone together but the distance just won't allow it.  I have been working on little crafty projects for his party and hope they turn out great.  

Liam is standing on his own and increasing the distance between the things he walks to and from.  His latest thing he does is screaming!  He thinks it's hilarious if you scream and then he screams back.  He throws his head back and cackles.  He thinks he is hysterical!!  It is so funny to watch him.  He also has his fang teeth on top.  It looks ridiculous and I try to take a picture of it but he is too busy and won't cooperate.  I will try to wrangle him and post one soon.  As of last week, he has decided he likes PDO.  Last week when I dropped him off, he crawled down and played with the toys and went to his teacher.  I am glad he has warmed up to it.  
Yummy! Notice the beer candles!
I know this is a short post but I will hopefully post another one by the end of this week.  Enjoy our post!!

Happy Birthday Jake!!
Blowing out his "beer can" candles

Looking at the Meerkats at the zoo
Hanging out with his pal Luca

Trying to scoot Luca closer to him

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